Pinellas Park Rate Study
Client: City of Pinellas
(Sub Consultant to Stantec) Year: 2019 |
LAGO provided services to review the Pinellas County Property Appraiser Data and develop impervious area per parcel. LAGO performed various analysis related to billing rate based on that data required to properly make major policy decisions regarding rate structure, billing methodology, levels of service, and rate study methodology for implementing a stormwater utility. |
LAGO obtained and reviewed Pinellas County Property Appraiser data to: 1) determine the completeness of the data and identify categorically missing impervious elements 2) determine which fields should be included in a new impervious area billing file. LAGO also reviewed the current Pinellas Park stormwater billing file to determine overall match between billing accounts and billable parcels within the Pinellas County Property Appraiser Data from Task 1. LAGO utilized the current stormwater billing file and ad-hoc geo analysis when needed in order create a utility billing account match to all billable parcels in the City’s service area. |
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The City of Pinellas Park (City) is performing financial rate study to establish rates and total anticipated revenues from the allowable revenue sources identified in the creation of a stormwater utility program based on the results of this study. |