Flood Modeling Evaluation
Client: City of Olathe (sub-consultant to WRCS) Year: 2020 About: The City of Olathe was concerned about the existing storm water facilities regarding their capacity to hold the 100-year storm event runoff inside the existing ponds without causing flooding in the future, if the area is fully developed. LAGO provided modeling support to Mr. Rick Van Bruggen, P.E., CFM, D.WRE at Water Resources Consulting Services, Inc. (WRCS). |
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LAGO reviewed and improved the existing HydroCAD model to estimate pond peak levels from 1-, 10-, and 100-year design storms. A similar model was also created in ICPR software to obtain those estimations by using a more dynamic approach. Outcome: DEM processing showed that the ponds were constructed with a smaller capacity than designed. Thus, the dirt volume to bring the ponds to the design capacity was calculated below and above normal pool elevations. LAGO also processed the model results to obtain flood maps and to quantify the flooded areas. In addition, the volume of dirt necessary to fill the site to an elevation of 2 feet above the BFE was estimated. |