Rainfall from Precipitation-Duration TablePurpose
This tool allows to obtain the rainfall hydrograph of a synthetic storm from the precipitation-duration table by using the alternating block method. Usage The user must enter the precipitation-duration (PD) table, which can be copied and pasted from excel. The precipitation or intensity values for several cases (e.g. return periods) can be entered. Units for the tabulated values can be specified. The output hydrograph can be customized by specifying the storm duration, the time step, and the peak time. The method to interpolate the PD table values can be also specified. After executing the tool, a csv file is created with the synthetic storm hydrograph. The free version allows the user to enter up to 5 rows in the PD table. Example of use The screens shown below illustrate the use of the tool. Registration In order to have full functionality of this tool, the user needs to complete the registration process by following these steps:
After these steps, the authorization code will be sent to the email that you provided during the PayPal payment process.
Support Users can report bugs and send comments by email to [email protected]. Created by Lago Consulting & Services LLC. © 2016. Last updated on 12/06/2017